

At the weekend I usually visit my parents in the morning. In the afternoon I go for a walk with my friends. But this weekend is very different – I’m in New York! I’m going shopping with Beyoncé and Zac Efron, it’s really fantastic! My mother is singing with Avril Lavigne, my father is doing gym with George Clooney, and my brother is playing Play Station 3 with Orlando Bloom.

Sarai Pousada Linares – 2º ESO B


Eles e nós

O poema que quero escribir a continuación está dedicado ás persoas do terceiro mundo, porque sofren moito e precisan a nosa axuda.
Eles darían o pouco que teñen
por unha vida mellor.
Nós non damos nada,
para que a súa vida non sexa peor.
Eles pasan moita fame,
mentres nós comemos ata rebentar.
Eles son honrados e pobres,
pero nós, non nos chegamos a decatar.
Naquelas pequenas e silenciosas vilas,
meniños e maiores teñen que traballar.
Nas nosas grandes e ruidosas cidades
temos a sorte de poder estudar.
Eses nenos non teñen fogar
nin lar onde durmir.
Nós temos grandes casas,
nas que os poderiamos recibir.
Fagámolo cun sorriso nos beizos!

Mar azul, 1ºB



Viven mal, comen mal,
e como consecuencia,
o mundo así vai.

Malas son as súas condicións,
pero iso non chegaría para dicir
que eles así non poden vivir.

Traballan día e noite,
nenos e maiores,
para obteren cousas mellores.

Viven mal, comen mal,
e como consecuencia,
o mundo así vai.

Os cativos á escola non van,
as letras non coñecerán
e dende pequenos todos a traballar.

Eles así non queren seguir,
e grandes medidas van tomar
para que o mundo así non volva estar.

Viven mal, comen mal,
e como consecuencia,
o mundo así vai.

Iria López González 1º ESO



At my super-school there are two classes every day but on Monday there is only one class. Classes start at eleven o’clock and finish at one o’clock. We don’t go to school on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday.
Today we’ve got music and P.E. in the morning. Music is my favourite subject because Porta is the teacher.
I like the school because the teachers are nice, and there’s a canteen. It’s got fantastic hamburgers and pizzas.

Javier Cao García – 1º ESO A


At my super-school there are three classes every day. Classes start at eleven o’clock and finish at half past two. We don’t go to school on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Today we’ve got music, drama and P.E. My favourite subject is music because the teacher is Zac Efron. The drama teacher is Martín Rivas and the P.E. teacher is Iker Casillas.
I like the school because the teachers are very funny.

Alexandra Pardo Domínguez – 1º ESO B


At my super-school there are three classes every day. Classes start at ten o’clock and finish at two o’clock. We don’t go to school on Wednesday.
Today we’ve got music in the morning and maths in the afternoon. Music is my favourite subject because Avril Lavigne is the teacher.
I like the school because the teachers are funny, and there’s a canteen. It’s got fantastic food.

Andrea Vilar – 1º ESO B


My super-school starts at eleven o’clock and finishes at one o’clock. There are three classes every day. We don’t go to school on Sunday.
Today we’ve got English and drama. Drama is my favourite subject because Javier Bardem is the teacher.
I like the school because the teachers are nice, and there are a lot of computers.

Daniel Fernández Fernández – 1º ESO A